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Deploy & Call Contracts with Typescript

In this step we will write a Typescript test to interact with the sandbox and call our contracts!

Test imports and setup

We need some helper files that can keep our code clean. Inside your src/test directory:

mkdir shared && cd shared
touch cross_chain_test_harness.ts

In cross_chain_test_harness.ts, add:

import { expect } from '@jest/globals'
import {
type AccountWallet,
type AztecAddress,
type AztecNode,
type FieldsOf,
type L1TokenManager,
type L2AmountClaim,
type L2AmountClaimWithRecipient,
type Logger,
type PXE,
type SiblingPath,
type TxReceipt,
type Wallet,
} from '@aztec/aztec.js';
import { type L1ContractAddresses } from '@aztec/ethereum';
import { TestERC20Abi, TestERC20Bytecode, TokenPortalAbi, TokenPortalBytecode } from '@aztec/l1-artifacts';
import { TokenContract } from '@aztec/noir-contracts.js/Token';
import { TokenBridgeContract } from '@aztec/noir-contracts.js/TokenBridge';

import {
type Account,
type Chain,
type Hex,
type HttpTransport,
type PublicClient,
type WalletClient,
} from 'viem';

import { mintTokensToPrivate } from '../fixtures/token_utils.js';

* Deploy L1 token and portal, initialize portal, deploy a non native l2 token contract, its L2 bridge contract and attach is to the portal.
* @param wallet - the wallet instance
* @param walletClient - A viem WalletClient.
* @param publicClient - A viem PublicClient.
* @param rollupRegistryAddress - address of rollup registry to pass to initialize the token portal
* @param owner - owner of the L2 contract
* @param underlyingERC20Address - address of the underlying ERC20 contract to use (if none supplied, it deploys one)
* @returns l2 contract instance, bridge contract instance, token portal instance, token portal address and the underlying ERC20 instance
export async function deployAndInitializeTokenAndBridgeContracts(
wallet: Wallet,
walletClient: WalletClient<HttpTransport, Chain, Account>,
publicClient: PublicClient<HttpTransport, Chain>,
rollupRegistryAddress: EthAddress,
owner: AztecAddress,
underlyingERC20Address?: EthAddress,
): Promise<{
* The L2 token contract instance.
token: TokenContract;
* The L2 bridge contract instance.
bridge: TokenBridgeContract;
* The token portal contract address.
tokenPortalAddress: EthAddress;
* The token portal contract instance
tokenPortal: any;
* The underlying ERC20 contract instance.
underlyingERC20: any;
}> {
if (!underlyingERC20Address) {
underlyingERC20Address = await deployL1Contract(walletClient, publicClient, TestERC20Abi, TestERC20Bytecode, [
]).then(({ address }) => address);
const underlyingERC20 = getContract({
address: underlyingERC20Address!.toString(),
abi: TestERC20Abi,
client: walletClient,

// allow anyone to mint
await underlyingERC20.write.setFreeForAll([true], {} as any);

// deploy the token portal
const { address: tokenPortalAddress } = await deployL1Contract(
const tokenPortal = getContract({
address: tokenPortalAddress.toString(),
abi: TokenPortalAbi,
client: walletClient,

// deploy l2 token
const token = await TokenContract.deploy(wallet, owner, 'TokenName', 'TokenSymbol', 18).send().deployed();

// deploy l2 token bridge and attach to the portal
const bridge = await TokenBridgeContract.deploy(wallet, token.address, tokenPortalAddress).send().deployed();

if ((await token.methods.get_admin().simulate()) !== owner.toBigInt()) {
throw new Error(`Token admin is not ${owner}`);

if (!(await bridge.methods.get_token().simulate()).equals(token.address)) {
throw new Error(`Bridge token is not ${token.address}`);

// make the bridge a minter on the token:
await token.methods.set_minter(bridge.address, true).send().wait();
if ((await token.methods.is_minter(bridge.address).simulate()) === 1n) {
throw new Error(`Bridge is not a minter`);

// initialize portal
await tokenPortal.write.initialize(
[rollupRegistryAddress.toString(), underlyingERC20Address!.toString(), bridge.address.toString()],
{} as any,

return { token, bridge, tokenPortalAddress, tokenPortal, underlyingERC20 };

* A Class for testing cross chain interactions, contains common interactions
* shared between cross chain tests.
export class CrossChainTestHarness {
static async new(
aztecNode: AztecNode,
pxeService: PXE,
publicClient: PublicClient<HttpTransport, Chain>,
walletClient: WalletClient<HttpTransport, Chain, Account>,
wallet: AccountWallet,
logger: Logger,
underlyingERC20Address?: EthAddress,
): Promise<CrossChainTestHarness> {
const ethAccount = EthAddress.fromString((await walletClient.getAddresses())[0]);
const l1ContractAddresses = (await pxeService.getNodeInfo()).l1ContractAddresses;

// Deploy and initialize all required contracts'Deploying and initializing token, portal and its bridge...');
const { token, bridge, tokenPortalAddress, underlyingERC20 } = await deployAndInitializeTokenAndBridgeContracts(
);'Deployed and initialized token, portal and its bridge.');

return new CrossChainTestHarness(

private readonly l1TokenManager: L1TokenManager;
private readonly l1TokenPortalManager: L1TokenPortalManager;

public readonly ownerAddress: AztecAddress;

/** Aztec node instance. */
public aztecNode: AztecNode,
/** Private eXecution Environment (PXE). */
public pxeService: PXE,
/** Logger. */
public logger: Logger,

/** L2 Token contract. */
public l2Token: TokenContract,
/** L2 Token bridge contract. */
public l2Bridge: TokenBridgeContract,

/** Eth account to interact with. */
public ethAccount: EthAddress,

/** Portal address. */
public tokenPortalAddress: EthAddress,
/** Underlying token for portal tests. */
public underlyingERC20Address: EthAddress,
/** Viem Public client instance. */
public publicClient: PublicClient<HttpTransport, Chain>,
/** Viem Wallet Client instance. */
public walletClient: WalletClient<HttpTransport, Chain, Account>,

/** Deployment addresses for all L1 contracts */
public readonly l1ContractAddresses: L1ContractAddresses,

/** Wallet of the owner. */
public readonly ownerWallet: AccountWallet,
) {
this.l1TokenPortalManager = new L1TokenPortalManager(
this.l1TokenManager = this.l1TokenPortalManager.getTokenManager();
this.ownerAddress = this.ownerWallet.getAddress();

async mintTokensOnL1(amount: bigint) {
await, this.ethAccount.toString());
expect(await this.l1TokenManager.getL1TokenBalance(this.ethAccount.toString())).toEqual(amount);

getL1BalanceOf(address: EthAddress) {
return this.l1TokenManager.getL1TokenBalance(address.toString());

sendTokensToPortalPublic(bridgeAmount: bigint, mint = false) {
return this.l1TokenPortalManager.bridgeTokensPublic(this.ownerAddress, bridgeAmount, mint);

sendTokensToPortalPrivate(bridgeAmount: bigint, mint = false) {
return this.l1TokenPortalManager.bridgeTokensPrivate(this.ownerAddress, bridgeAmount, mint);

async mintTokensPublicOnL2(amount: bigint) {'Minting tokens on L2 publicly');
await this.l2Token.methods.mint_to_public(this.ownerAddress, amount).send().wait();

async mintTokensPrivateOnL2(amount: bigint) {
await mintTokensToPrivate(this.l2Token, this.ownerWallet, this.ownerAddress, amount);

async sendL2PublicTransfer(transferAmount: bigint, receiverAddress: AztecAddress) {
// send a transfer tx to force through rollup with the message included
await this.l2Token.methods.transfer_in_public(this.ownerAddress, receiverAddress, transferAmount, 0).send().wait();

async consumeMessageOnAztecAndMintPrivately(
claim: Pick<L2AmountClaimWithRecipient, 'claimAmount' | 'claimSecret' | 'messageLeafIndex' | 'recipient'>,
) {'Consuming messages on L2 privately');
const { recipient, claimAmount, claimSecret: secretForL2MessageConsumption, messageLeafIndex } = claim;
await this.l2Bridge.methods
.claim_private(recipient, claimAmount, secretForL2MessageConsumption, messageLeafIndex)

async consumeMessageOnAztecAndMintPublicly(
claim: Pick<L2AmountClaim, 'claimAmount' | 'claimSecret' | 'messageLeafIndex'>,
) {'Consuming messages on L2 Publicly');
const { claimAmount, claimSecret, messageLeafIndex } = claim;
await this.l2Bridge.methods
.claim_public(this.ownerAddress, claimAmount, claimSecret, messageLeafIndex)

async withdrawPrivateFromAztecToL1(withdrawAmount: bigint, nonce: Fr = Fr.ZERO): Promise<FieldsOf<TxReceipt>> {
const withdrawReceipt = await this.l2Bridge.methods
.exit_to_l1_private(this.l2Token.address, this.ethAccount, withdrawAmount, EthAddress.ZERO, nonce)

return withdrawReceipt;

async withdrawPublicFromAztecToL1(withdrawAmount: bigint, nonce: Fr = Fr.ZERO): Promise<FieldsOf<TxReceipt>> {
const withdrawReceipt = await this.l2Bridge.methods
.exit_to_l1_public(this.ethAccount, withdrawAmount, EthAddress.ZERO, nonce)

return withdrawReceipt;

async getL2PrivateBalanceOf(owner: AztecAddress) {
return await this.l2Token.methods.balance_of_private(owner).simulate({ from: owner });

async expectPrivateBalanceOnL2(owner: AztecAddress, expectedBalance: bigint) {
const balance = await this.getL2PrivateBalanceOf(owner);`Account ${owner} balance: ${balance}`);

async getL2PublicBalanceOf(owner: AztecAddress) {
return await this.l2Token.methods.balance_of_public(owner).simulate();

async expectPublicBalanceOnL2(owner: AztecAddress, expectedBalance: bigint) {
const balance = await this.getL2PublicBalanceOf(owner);

getL2ToL1MessageLeaf(withdrawAmount: bigint, callerOnL1: EthAddress = EthAddress.ZERO): Fr {
return this.l1TokenPortalManager.getL2ToL1MessageLeaf(

amount: bigint,
blockNumber: number | bigint,
messageIndex: bigint,
siblingPath: SiblingPath<number>,
) {
return this.l1TokenPortalManager.withdrawFunds(

async transferToPrivateOnL2(shieldAmount: bigint) {'Transferring to private on L2');
await this.l2Token.methods.transfer_to_private(this.ownerAddress, shieldAmount).send().wait();

async transferToPublicOnL2(amount: bigint, nonce = Fr.ZERO) {'Transferring tokens to public');
await this.l2Token.methods.transfer_to_public(this.ownerAddress, this.ownerAddress, amount, nonce).send().wait();

* Makes message available for consumption.
* @dev Does that by performing 2 unrelated transactions on L2 to progress the rollup by 2 blocks and then waits for
* message to be processed by archiver. We need to progress by 2 because there is a 1 block lag between when
* the message is sent to Inbox and when the subtree containing the message is included in the block and then when
* it's included it becomes available for consumption in the next block because the l1 to l2 message tree.
async makeMessageConsumable(msgHash: Fr | Hex) {
const frMsgHash = typeof msgHash === 'string' ? Fr.fromHexString(msgHash) : msgHash;
// We poll isL1ToL2MessageSynced endpoint until the message is available
await retryUntil(async () => await this.aztecNode.isL1ToL2MessageSynced(frMsgHash), 'message sync', 10);

await this.mintTokensPublicOnL2(0n);
await this.mintTokensPublicOnL2(0n);


  • gets your Solidity contract ABIs
  • uses Aztec.js to deploy them to Ethereum
  • uses Aztec.js to deploy the token and token bridge contract on L2, sets the bridge's portal address to tokenPortalAddress and initializes all the contracts
  • exposes easy to use helper methods to interact with our contracts.

Now let's write our tests.

We will write two tests:

  1. Test the deposit and withdraw in the private flow
  2. Do the same in the public flow

Open cross_chain_messaging.test.ts and paste the initial description of the test:

import { beforeAll, describe, beforeEach, expect, jest, it} from '@jest/globals'
import { AccountWallet, AztecAddress, BatchCall, type Logger, EthAddress, Fr, computeAuthWitMessageHash, createLogger, createPXEClient, waitForPXE, L1ToL2Message, L1Actor, L2Actor, type PXE, type Wallet } from '@aztec/aztec.js';
import { getInitialTestAccountsWallets } from '@aztec/accounts/testing';
import { TokenContract } from '@aztec/noir-contracts.js/Token';
import { sha256ToField } from '@aztec/foundation/crypto';
import { TokenBridgeContract } from './fixtures/TokenBridge.js';
import { createAztecNodeClient } from '@aztec/circuit-types';
import { deployInstance, registerContractClass } from '@aztec/aztec.js/deployment';
import { SchnorrAccountContractArtifact } from '@aztec/accounts/schnorr';

import { CrossChainTestHarness } from './shared/cross_chain_test_harness.js';
import { mnemonicToAccount } from 'viem/accounts';
import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, http, toFunctionSelector } from 'viem';
import { foundry } from 'viem/chains';

const { PXE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080', ETHEREUM_HOST = 'http://localhost:8545' } = process.env;
const MNEMONIC = 'test test test test test test test test test test test junk';
const hdAccount = mnemonicToAccount(MNEMONIC);
const aztecNode = createAztecNodeClient(PXE_URL);
export const NO_L1_TO_L2_MSG_ERROR =
/No non-nullified L1 to L2 message found for message hash|Tried to consume nonexistent L1-to-L2 message/;

async function publicDeployAccounts(sender: Wallet, accountsToDeploy: Wallet[], pxe: PXE) {
const accountAddressesToDeploy = await Promise.all( a => {
const address = await a.getAddress();
const isDeployed = await pxe.isContractPubliclyDeployed(address);
return { address, isDeployed };
).then(results => results.filter(result => !result.isDeployed).map(result => result.address));
if (accountAddressesToDeploy.length === 0) return
const instances = await Promise.all( => sender.getContractInstance(account)));
const batch = new BatchCall(sender, [
(await registerContractClass(sender, SchnorrAccountContractArtifact)).request(), => deployInstance(sender, instance!).request()),
await batch.send().wait();

describe('e2e_cross_chain_messaging', () => {

let logger: Logger;
let wallets: AccountWallet[];
let user1Wallet: AccountWallet;
let user2Wallet: AccountWallet;
let ethAccount: EthAddress;
let ownerAddress: AztecAddress;

let crossChainTestHarness: CrossChainTestHarness;
let l2Token: TokenContract;
let l2Bridge: TokenBridgeContract;
let outbox: any;

beforeAll(async () => {
logger = createLogger('aztec:e2e_uniswap');
const pxe = createPXEClient(PXE_URL);
await waitForPXE(pxe);
wallets = await getInitialTestAccountsWallets(pxe);

// deploy the accounts publicly to use public authwits
await publicDeployAccounts(wallets[0], wallets, pxe);

beforeEach(async () => {
logger = createLogger('aztec:e2e_uniswap');
const pxe = createPXEClient(PXE_URL);
await waitForPXE(pxe);

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
account: hdAccount,
chain: foundry,
transport: http(ETHEREUM_HOST),
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: foundry,
transport: http(ETHEREUM_HOST),

crossChainTestHarness = await

l2Token = crossChainTestHarness.l2Token;
l2Bridge = crossChainTestHarness.l2Bridge;
ethAccount = crossChainTestHarness.ethAccount;
ownerAddress = crossChainTestHarness.ownerAddress;
outbox = crossChainTestHarness.outbox;
user1Wallet = wallets[0];
user2Wallet = wallets[1];

This fetches the wallets from the sandbox and deploys our cross chain harness on the sandbox!

Private flow test

Paste the private flow test below the setup:

it('Privately deposit funds from L1 -> L2 and withdraw back to L1', async () => {
// Generate a claim secret using pedersen
const l1TokenBalance = 1000000n;
const bridgeAmount = 100n;

// 1. Mint tokens on L1
await crossChainTestHarness.mintTokensOnL1(l1TokenBalance);

// 2. Deposit tokens to the TokenPortal
const claim = await crossChainTestHarness.sendTokensToPortalPrivate(bridgeAmount);
expect(await crossChainTestHarness.getL1BalanceOf(ethAccount)).toBe(l1TokenBalance - bridgeAmount);

await crossChainTestHarness.makeMessageConsumable(claim.messageHash);

// 3. Consume L1 -> L2 message and mint private tokens on L2
await crossChainTestHarness.consumeMessageOnAztecAndMintPrivately(claim);
await crossChainTestHarness.expectPrivateBalanceOnL2(ownerAddress, bridgeAmount);

// time to withdraw the funds again!'Withdrawing funds from L2');

// 4. Give approval to bridge to burn owner's funds:
const withdrawAmount = 9n;
const nonce = Fr.random();
await user1Wallet.createAuthWit({
caller: l2Bridge.address,
action: l2Token.methods.burn_private(ownerAddress, withdrawAmount, nonce),

// 5. Withdraw owner's funds from L2 to L1
const l2ToL1Message = crossChainTestHarness.getL2ToL1MessageLeaf(withdrawAmount);
const l2TxReceipt = await crossChainTestHarness.withdrawPrivateFromAztecToL1(withdrawAmount, nonce);
await crossChainTestHarness.expectPrivateBalanceOnL2(ownerAddress, bridgeAmount - withdrawAmount);

const [l2ToL1MessageIndex, siblingPath] = await aztecNode.getL2ToL1MessageMembershipWitness(

// Since the outbox is only consumable when the block is proven, we need to set the block to be proven
await rollup.write.setAssumeProvenThroughBlockNumber([await]);

// Check balance before and after exit.
expect(await crossChainTestHarness.getL1BalanceOf(ethAccount)).toBe(l1TokenBalance - bridgeAmount);
await crossChainTestHarness.withdrawFundsFromBridgeOnL1(
expect(await crossChainTestHarness.getL1BalanceOf(ethAccount)).toBe(l1TokenBalance - bridgeAmount + withdrawAmount);
Source code: yarn-project/end-to-end/src/e2e_cross_chain_messaging/token_bridge_private.test.ts#L47-L102

Public flow test

Paste the public flow below the private flow:

it('Publicly deposit funds from L1 -> L2 and withdraw back to L1', async () => {
const l1TokenBalance = 1000000n;
const bridgeAmount = 100n;

// 1. Mint tokens on L1
logger.verbose(`1. Mint tokens on L1`);
await crossChainTestHarness.mintTokensOnL1(l1TokenBalance);

// 2. Deposit tokens to the TokenPortal
logger.verbose(`2. Deposit tokens to the TokenPortal`);
const claim = await crossChainTestHarness.sendTokensToPortalPublic(bridgeAmount);
const msgHash = Fr.fromHexString(claim.messageHash);
expect(await crossChainTestHarness.getL1BalanceOf(ethAccount)).toBe(l1TokenBalance - bridgeAmount);

// Wait for the message to be available for consumption
logger.verbose(`Wait for the message to be available for consumption`);
await crossChainTestHarness.makeMessageConsumable(msgHash);

// Check message leaf index matches
const maybeIndexAndPath = await aztecNode.getL1ToL2MessageMembershipWitness('latest', msgHash);
const messageLeafIndex = maybeIndexAndPath![0];

// 3. Consume L1 -> L2 message and mint public tokens on L2
logger.verbose('3. Consume L1 -> L2 message and mint public tokens on L2');
await crossChainTestHarness.consumeMessageOnAztecAndMintPublicly(claim);
await crossChainTestHarness.expectPublicBalanceOnL2(ownerAddress, bridgeAmount);
const afterBalance = bridgeAmount;

// Time to withdraw the funds again!'Withdrawing funds from L2');

// 4. Give approval to bridge to burn owner's funds:
const withdrawAmount = 9n;
const nonce = Fr.random();
await user1Wallet
caller: l2Bridge.address,
action: l2Token.methods.burn_public(ownerAddress, withdrawAmount, nonce).request(),

// 5. Withdraw owner's funds from L2 to L1
logger.verbose('5. Withdraw owner funds from L2 to L1');
const l2ToL1Message = crossChainTestHarness.getL2ToL1MessageLeaf(withdrawAmount);
const l2TxReceipt = await crossChainTestHarness.withdrawPublicFromAztecToL1(withdrawAmount, nonce);
await crossChainTestHarness.expectPublicBalanceOnL2(ownerAddress, afterBalance - withdrawAmount);

// Check balance before and after exit.
expect(await crossChainTestHarness.getL1BalanceOf(ethAccount)).toBe(l1TokenBalance - bridgeAmount);

const [l2ToL1MessageIndex, siblingPath] = await aztecNode.getL2ToL1MessageMembershipWitness(

await t.assumeProven();

await crossChainTestHarness.withdrawFundsFromBridgeOnL1(
expect(await crossChainTestHarness.getL1BalanceOf(ethAccount)).toBe(l1TokenBalance - bridgeAmount + withdrawAmount);
}, 120_000);

Running the test

cd packages/src
DEBUG='aztec:e2e_uniswap' yarn test

Note - you might have a jest error at the end of each test saying "expected 1-2 arguments but got 3". In case case simply remove the "120_000" at the end of each test. We have already set the timeout at the top so this shouldn't be a problem.

Congratulations! You have just written a set of contracts for Ethereum and Aztec that have private and public interactions with each other, and tested them with TypeScript.

Next Steps

Follow a more detailed Aztec.js tutorial

Follow the tutorial here.

Optional: Learn more about concepts mentioned here