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10 docs tagged with "accounts"

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Account Contract

This tutorial will take you through the process of writing your own account contract in, along with the Typescript glue code required for using it within a wallet.


Aztec has native account abstraction. Every account in Aztec is a smart contract.

Authentication Witness

Developer Documentation to use Authentication Witness for authentication actions on Aztec.

Authentication Witness (Authwit)

Authentication Witness is a scheme for authenticating actions on Aztec, so users can allow third-parties (eg protocols or other users) to execute an action on their behalf.

Cloning a box

You can use the npx aztec-app command to clone a ready-to-go "aztec box" with a sample contract or frontend. Assuming you have node installed, run:


In this section, you will learn what keys are used in Aztec, and how the addresses are derived.

Wallet Architecture

This page talks about the architecture of a wallet in Aztec. Wallets expose to dapps an interface that allows them to act on behalf of the user, such as querying private state or sending transactions. Bear in mind that, as in Ethereum, wallets should require user confirmation whenever carrying out a potentially sensitive action requested by a dapp.


On this page we will cover the main responsibilities of a wallet in the Aztec network.