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9 docs tagged with "storage"

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Declaring Storage

On this page, you will learn how to define storage in your smart contract.

Note Discovery

Note discovery refers to the process of a user identifying and decrypting the encrypted notes that belong to them.

Notes (UTXOs)

The state model page explains that there is a difference between public and private state. Private state uses UTXOs (unspent transaction ouputs), also known as notes. This page introduces the concept of UTXOs and how notes are abstracted on Aztec.


How are storage slots derived for public and private state

Storage slots

From the description of storage slots in the Concepts you will get an idea around the logic of storage slots. In this section we will go into more detail and walk through an entire example of how storage slots are computed for private state to improve our storage slot intuition. Recall, that storage slots in the private domain is just a logical construct, and are not "actually" used for lookups, but rather just as a value to constrain against.