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Write a donations contract

In this tutorial we'll create two contracts related to crowdfunding:

  • A crowdfunding contract with two core components
    • Fully private donations
    • Verifiable withdrawals to the operator
  • A reward contract for anyone else to anonymously reward donors

Along the way you will:

  • Install Aztec developer tools
  • Setup a new Noir contract project
  • Add base Aztec dependencies
  • Call between private and public contexts
  • Wrap an address with its interface (token)
  • Create custom private value notes


Install tools

Please ensure that the you already have Installed the Sandbox

Create an Aztec project

Use aztec-nargo in a terminal to create a new Aztec contract project named "crowdfunding":

aztec-nargo new --contract crowdfunding

Inside the new crowdfunding directory you will have a base to implement the Aztec smart contract.

Use aztec-nargo --help to see other commands.

Private donations

  1. An "Operator" begins a Crowdfunding campaign (contract), specifying:
  • an existing token address
  • their account address
  • a deadline timestamp
  1. Any address can donate (in private context)
  • private transfer token from sender to contract
  • transaction receipts allow private claims via another contract
  1. Only the operator can withdraw from the fund

1. Create a campaign


Open the project in your preferred editor. If using VSCode and the LSP, you'll be able to select the aztec-nargo binary to use (instead of nargo).

In, rename the contract from Main, to Crowdfunding.

use dep::aztec::macros::aztec;

contract Crowdfunding {
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

Replace the example functions with an initializer that takes the required campaign info as parameters. Notice use of #[aztec(...)] macros inform the compiler that the function is a public initializer.

fn init(donation_token: AztecAddress, operator: AztecAddress, deadline: u64) {


When you compile the contracts by running aztec-nargo compile in your project directory, you'll notice it cannot resolve AztecAddress. (Or hovering over in VSCode)

fn init(donation_token: AztecAddress, operator: AztecAddress, deadline: u64) {

Add the required dependency by going to your project's Nargo.toml file, and adding aztec from the aztec-nr framework. It resides in the aztec-packages mono-repo:

aztec = { git="", tag="aztec-packages-v0.62.0", directory="noir-projects/aztec-nr/aztec" }

A word about versions:

  • Choose the aztec packages version to match your aztec sandbox version
  • Check that your compiler_version in Nargo.toml is satisfied by your aztec compiler - aztec-nargo -V

Inside the Crowdfunding contract definition, use the dependency that defines the address type AztecAddress (same syntax as Rust)

use dep::aztec::protocol_types::address::AztecAddress;

The aztec::protocol_types can be browsed here (GitHub link). And like rust dependencies, the relative path inside the dependency corresponds to address::AztecAddress.


To retain the initializer parameters in the contract's Storage, we'll need to declare them in a preceding Storage struct:

struct Storage<Context> {
// Token used for donations (e.g. DAI)
donation_token: SharedImmutable<AztecAddress, Context>,
// Crowdfunding campaign operator
operator: SharedImmutable<AztecAddress, Context>,
// End of the crowdfunding campaign after which no more donations are accepted
deadline: SharedImmutable<u64, Context>,
// Notes emitted to donors when they donate (can be used as proof to obtain rewards, eg in Claim contracts)
donation_receipts: PrivateSet<ValueNote, Context>,
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

The ValueNote type is in the top-level of the framework, namely noir-projects/aztec-nr (GitHub link). Like before, you'll need to add the crate to Nargo.toml

Back in, reference use of the type

use dep::value_note::value_note::ValueNote;

Now complete the initializer by setting the storage variables with the parameters:

fn init(donation_token: AztecAddress, operator: AztecAddress, deadline: u64) {
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

You can compile the code so far with aztec-nargo compile.

2. Taking private donations

Checking campaign duration against the timestamp

To check that the donation occurs before the campaign deadline, we must access the public timestamp. It is one of several public global variables.

We read the deadline from public storage in private and use the router contract to assert that the current timestamp is before the deadline.

let deadline = storage.deadline.read_private();
privately_check_timestamp(Comparator.LT, deadline, &mut context);
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

We perform this check via the router contract to not reveal which contract is performing the check - this is achieved by calling a private function on the router contract which then enqueues a call to a public function on the router contract. The result is that msg_sender in the public call will then be the router contract. Note that the privacy here is dependent upon what deadline value is chosen by the Crowdfunding contract deployer. If it's unique to this contract, then there'll be a privacy leak regardless, as third parties will be able to observe a deadline check against the Crowdfunding deadline, and therefore infer that the associated transaction is interacting with it.

Now conclude adding all dependencies to the Crowdfunding contract:

use dep::aztec::{
functions::{initializer, internal, private, public},
prelude::{AztecAddress, PrivateSet, SharedImmutable},
use std::meta::derive;
use dep::value_note::value_note::ValueNote;
use router::utils::privately_check_timestamp;
use token::Token;
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

Like before, you can find these and other aztec::protocol_types here (GitHub link).

Interfacing with another contract

The token being used for donations is stored simply as an AztecAddress (named donation_token). so to easily use it as a token, we let the compiler know that we want the address to have a Token interface. Here we will use a maintained example Token contract.

Add this Token contract to Nargo.toml:

token = { git="", tag="aztec-packages-v0.62.0", directory="noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/token_contract" }

With the dependency already used at the start of the contract, the token contract can be called to make the transfer from msg sender to this contract.

Creating and storing a private receipt note

The last thing to do is create a new value note and add it to the donation_receipts. So the full donation function is now

fn donate(amount: u64) {
// 1) Check that the deadline has not passed --> we do that via the router contract to conceal which contract
// is performing the check.
let deadline = storage.deadline.read_private();
privately_check_timestamp(Comparator.LT, deadline, &mut context);
// 2) Transfer the donation tokens from donor to this contract
let donor = context.msg_sender();
.transfer_from(donor, context.this_address(), amount as Field, 0)
.call(&mut context);
// 3) Create a value note for the donor so that he can later on claim a rewards token in the Claim
// contract by proving that the hash of this note exists in the note hash tree.
let mut note = ValueNote::new(amount as Field, donor);

let donor_ovpk_m = get_public_keys(donor).ovpk_m;
storage.donation_receipts.insert(&mut note).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note(
&mut context,
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

3. Operator withdrawals

The remaining function to implement, withdraw, is reasonably straight-forward:

  1. make sure the address calling is the operator address
  2. transfer tokens from the contract to the operator
  3. reveal that an amount has been withdrawn to the operator

The last point is achieved by emitting an unencrypted event log.

Copy the last function into your Crowdfunding contract:

// Withdraws balance to the operator. Requires that msg_sender() is the operator.
fn withdraw(amount: u64) {
// 1) Check that msg_sender() is the operator
let operator_address = storage.operator.read_private();
assert(context.msg_sender() == operator_address, "Not an operator");

// 2) Transfer the donation tokens from this contract to the operator
.transfer(operator_address, amount as Field)
.call(&mut context);
// 3) Emit an unencrypted event so that anyone can audit how much the operator has withdrawn
._publish_donation_receipts(amount, operator_address)
.enqueue(&mut context);
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/crowdfunding_contract/src/

You should be able to compile successfully with aztec-nargo compile.

Congratulations, you have just built a multi-contract project on Aztec!


For comparison, the full Crowdfunding contract can be found here (GitHub link).

If a new token wishes to honour donors with free tokens based on donation amounts, this is possible via the donation_receipts (a PrivateSet). See claim_contract (GitHub link).

Next steps

Build an accounts contract

Follow the account contract tutorial on the next page and learn more about account abstraction.

Optional: Learn more about concepts mentioned here