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Contract Deployment

To add contracts to your application, we'll start by creating a new aztec-nargo project. We'll then compile the contracts, and write a simple script to deploy them to our Sandbox.


Follow the instructions here to install aztec-nargo if you haven't done so already.

Initialize Aztec project

Create a new contracts folder, and from there, initialize a new project called token:

mkdir contracts && cd contracts
aztec-nargo new --contract token

Then, open the contracts/token/Nargo.toml configuration file, and add the and value_note libraries as dependencies:

aztec = { git="", tag="v0.82.2", directory="noir-projects/aztec-nr/aztec" }
authwit = { git="", tag="v0.82.2", directory="noir-projects/aztec-nr/authwit"}
compressed_string = {git="", tag="v0.82.2", directory="noir-projects/aztec-nr/compressed-string"}

Last, copy-paste the code from the Token contract into contracts/token/

mod types;
mod test;

use dep::aztec::macros::aztec;

// Minimal token implementation that supports `AuthWit` accounts.
// The auth message follows a similar pattern to the cross-chain message and includes a designated caller.
// The designated caller is ALWAYS used here, and not based on a flag as cross-chain.
// message hash = H([caller, contract, selector, ...args])
// To be read as `caller` calls function at `contract` defined by `selector` with `args`
// Including a nonce in the message hash ensures that the message can only be used once.
pub contract Token {
// Libs
use std::{meta::derive, ops::{Add, Sub}};

use dep::compressed_string::FieldCompressedString;

use dep::aztec::{
context::{PrivateCallInterface, PrivateContext},
note::{encode_and_encrypt_note, encode_and_encrypt_note_unconstrained},
functions::{initializer, internal, private, public, view},
prelude::{AztecAddress, Map, PublicContext, PublicImmutable, PublicMutable},

use dep::uint_note::uint_note::{PartialUintNote, UintNote};
use aztec::protocol_types::traits::ToField;

use dep::authwit::auth::{
assert_current_call_valid_authwit, assert_current_call_valid_authwit_public,

use crate::types::balance_set::BalanceSet;

// In the first transfer iteration we are computing a lot of additional information (validating inputs, retrieving
// keys, etc.), so the gate count is already relatively high. We therefore only read a few notes to keep the happy
// case with few constraints.
// All the recursive call does is nullify notes, meaning the gate count is low, but it is all constant overhead. We
// therefore read more notes than in the base case to increase the efficiency of the overhead, since this results in
// an overall small circuit regardless.

struct Transfer {
from: AztecAddress,
to: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,

struct Storage<Context> {
admin: PublicMutable<AztecAddress, Context>,
minters: Map<AztecAddress, PublicMutable<bool, Context>, Context>,
balances: Map<AztecAddress, BalanceSet<Context>, Context>,
total_supply: PublicMutable<u128, Context>,
public_balances: Map<AztecAddress, PublicMutable<u128, Context>, Context>,
symbol: PublicImmutable<FieldCompressedString, Context>,
name: PublicImmutable<FieldCompressedString, Context>,
decimals: PublicImmutable<u8, Context>,

fn constructor(admin: AztecAddress, name: str<31>, symbol: str<31>, decimals: u8) {
assert(!admin.is_zero(), "invalid admin");

fn set_admin(new_admin: AztecAddress) {
assert(, "caller is not admin");

fn public_get_name() -> FieldCompressedString {

fn private_get_name() -> FieldCompressedString {

fn public_get_symbol() -> pub FieldCompressedString {

fn private_get_symbol() -> pub FieldCompressedString {

fn public_get_decimals() -> pub u8 {

fn private_get_decimals() -> pub u8 {

fn get_admin() -> Field {

fn is_minter(minter: AztecAddress) -> bool {

fn total_supply() -> u128 {

fn balance_of_public(owner: AztecAddress) -> u128 {

fn set_minter(minter: AztecAddress, approve: bool) {
assert(, "caller is not admin");;

fn mint_to_public(to: AztecAddress, amount: u128) {
assert(, "caller is not minter");
let new_balance =;
let supply =;;

fn transfer_in_public(from: AztecAddress, to: AztecAddress, amount: u128, nonce: Field) {
if (!from.eq(context.msg_sender())) {
assert_current_call_valid_authwit_public(&mut context, from);
} else {
assert(nonce == 0, "invalid nonce");
let from_balance =;;
let to_balance =;;

fn burn_public(from: AztecAddress, amount: u128, nonce: Field) {
if (!from.eq(context.msg_sender())) {
assert_current_call_valid_authwit_public(&mut context, from);
} else {
assert(nonce == 0, "invalid nonce");
let from_balance =;;
let new_supply =;

fn transfer_to_public(from: AztecAddress, to: AztecAddress, amount: u128, nonce: Field) {
if (!from.eq(context.msg_sender())) {
assert_current_call_valid_authwit(&mut context, from);
} else {
assert(nonce == 0, "invalid nonce");
}, amount).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note(
&mut context,
Token::at(context.this_address())._increase_public_balance(to, amount).enqueue(&mut context);

fn transfer(to: AztecAddress, amount: u128) {
let from = context.msg_sender();

// We reduce `from`'s balance by amount by recursively removing notes over potentially multiple calls. This
// method keeps the gate count for each individual call low - reading too many notes at once could result in
// circuits in which proving is not feasible.
// Since the sum of the amounts in the notes we nullified was potentially larger than amount, we create a new
// note for `from` with the change amount, e.g. if `amount` is 10 and two notes are nullified with amounts 8 and
// 5, then the change will be 3 (since 8 + 5 - 10 = 3).
let change = subtract_balance(
&mut context,
);, change).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note_unconstrained(
&mut context,
));, amount).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note_unconstrained(
&mut context,
// We don't constrain encryption of the note log in `transfer` (unlike in `transfer_in_private`) because the transfer
// function is only designed to be used in situations where the event is not strictly necessary (e.g. payment to
// another person where the payment is considered to be successful when the other party successfully decrypts a
// note).
Transfer { from, to, amount }.emit(encode_and_encrypt_event_unconstrained(
&mut context,

fn subtract_balance(
context: &mut PrivateContext,
storage: Storage<&mut PrivateContext>,
account: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,
max_notes: u32,
) -> u128 {
let subtracted =, max_notes);
// Failing to subtract any amount means that the owner was unable to produce more notes that could be nullified.
// We could in some cases fail early inside try_sub if we detected that fewer notes than the maximum were
// returned and we were still unable to reach the target amount, but that'd make the code more complicated, and
// optimizing for the failure scenario is not as important.
assert(subtracted > 0 as u128, "Balance too low");
if subtracted >= amount {
// We have achieved our goal of nullifying notes that add up to more than amount, so we return the change
subtracted - amount
} else {
// try_sub failed to nullify enough notes to reach the target amount, so we compute the amount remaining
// and try again.
let remaining = amount - subtracted;
compute_recurse_subtract_balance_call(*context, account, remaining).call(context)

// TODO(#7729): apply no_predicates to the contract interface method directly instead of having to use a wrapper
// like we do here.
fn compute_recurse_subtract_balance_call(
context: PrivateContext,
account: AztecAddress,
remaining: u128,
) -> PrivateCallInterface<25, u128> {
Token::at(context.this_address())._recurse_subtract_balance(account, remaining)

fn _recurse_subtract_balance(account: AztecAddress, amount: u128) -> u128 {
&mut context,

* Cancel a private authentication witness.
* @param inner_hash The inner hash of the authwit to cancel.
fn cancel_authwit(inner_hash: Field) {
let on_behalf_of = context.msg_sender();
let nullifier = compute_authwit_nullifier(on_behalf_of, inner_hash);

fn transfer_in_private(from: AztecAddress, to: AztecAddress, amount: u128, nonce: Field) {
if (!from.eq(context.msg_sender())) {
assert_current_call_valid_authwit(&mut context, from);
} else {
assert(nonce == 0, "invalid nonce");
}, amount).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note(
&mut context,
));, amount).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note(&mut context, to, from));

fn burn_private(from: AztecAddress, amount: u128, nonce: Field) {
if (!from.eq(context.msg_sender())) {
assert_current_call_valid_authwit(&mut context, from);
} else {
assert(nonce == 0, "invalid nonce");
}, amount).emit(encode_and_encrypt_note(
&mut context,
Token::at(context.this_address())._reduce_total_supply(amount).enqueue(&mut context);

// Transfers token `amount` from public balance of message sender to a private balance of `to`.
fn transfer_to_private(to: AztecAddress, amount: u128) {
// `from` is the owner of the public balance from which we'll subtract the `amount`.
let from = context.msg_sender();
let token = Token::at(context.this_address());

// We prepare the private balance increase (the partial note).
let partial_note = _prepare_private_balance_increase(from, to, &mut context, storage);

// At last we finalize the transfer. Usage of the `unsafe` method here is safe because we set the `from`
// function argument to a message sender, guaranteeing that he can transfer only his own tokens.
token._finalize_transfer_to_private_unsafe(from, amount, partial_note).enqueue(&mut context);

/// Prepares an increase of private balance of `to` (partial note). The increase needs to be finalized by calling
/// some of the finalization functions (`finalize_transfer_to_private`, `finalize_mint_to_private`) with the
/// returned partial note.
fn prepare_private_balance_increase(to: AztecAddress, from: AztecAddress) -> PartialUintNote {
// ideally we'd not have `from` here, but we do need a `from` address to produce a tagging secret with `to`.
_prepare_private_balance_increase(from, to, &mut context, storage)

/// This function exists separately from `prepare_private_balance_increase` solely as an optimization as it allows
/// us to have it inlined in the `transfer_to_private` function which results in one fewer kernel iteration.
/// TODO(#9180): Consider adding macro support for functions callable both as an entrypoint and as an internal
/// function.
fn _prepare_private_balance_increase(
from: AztecAddress, // sender of the tag
to: AztecAddress,
context: &mut PrivateContext,
storage: Storage<&mut PrivateContext>,
) -> PartialUintNote {
let partial_note = UintNote::partial(

// We can't simply return the partial note because we won't be able to later on verify that it was created
// correctly (e.g. that the storage slot corresponds to the owner, and that we're using the balance set and not
// another state variable) once this information is hidden in the partial note commitment. We therefore store
// the partial note in our own public storage, so that we can later check that we're only completing correctly
// created partial notes.


/// Finalizes a transfer of token `amount` from public balance of `from` to a private balance of `to`.
/// The transfer must be prepared by calling `prepare_private_balance_increase` first and the resulting
/// `partial_note` must be passed as an argument to this function.
fn finalize_transfer_to_private(amount: u128, partial_note: PartialUintNote) {
let from = context.msg_sender();
_finalize_transfer_to_private(from, amount, partial_note, &mut context, storage);

/// This is a wrapper around `_finalize_transfer_to_private` placed here so that a call
/// to `_finalize_transfer_to_private` can be enqueued. Called unsafe as it does not check `from` (this has to be
/// done in the calling function).
fn _finalize_transfer_to_private_unsafe(
from: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,
partial_note: PartialUintNote,
) {
_finalize_transfer_to_private(from, amount, partial_note, &mut context, storage);

fn _finalize_transfer_to_private(
from: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,
partial_note: PartialUintNote,
context: &mut PublicContext,
storage: Storage<&mut PublicContext>,
) {
// First we subtract the `amount` from the public balance of `from`
let from_balance =;;

// We verify that the partial note we're completing is valid (i.e. it uses the correct state variable's storage
// slot, and it is internally consistent). We *could* clear the storage since each partial note should only be
// used once, but since the AVM offers no gas refunds for doing so this would just make the transaction be more
// expensive.
assert(context.storage_read(partial_note.commitment()), "Invalid partial note");
partial_note.complete(amount, context);

/// Mints token `amount` to a private balance of `to`. Message sender has to have minter permissions (checked
/// in the enqueued call).
fn mint_to_private(
from: AztecAddress, // sender of the tag
to: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,
) {
let token = Token::at(context.this_address());

// We prepare the partial note to which we'll "send" the minted amount.
let partial_note = _prepare_private_balance_increase(from, to, &mut context, storage);

// At last we finalize the mint. Usage of the `unsafe` method here is safe because we set the `from`
// function argument to a message sender, guaranteeing that only a message sender with minter permissions
// can successfully execute the function.
token._finalize_mint_to_private_unsafe(context.msg_sender(), amount, partial_note).enqueue(
&mut context,

/// Finalizes a mint of token `amount` to a private balance of `to`. The mint must be prepared by calling
/// `prepare_private_balance_increase` first and the resulting
/// `partial_note` must be passed as an argument to this function.
/// Note: This function is only an optimization as it could be replaced by a combination of `mint_to_public`
/// and `finalize_transfer_to_private`. It is however used very commonly so it makes sense to optimize it
/// (e.g. used during token bridging, in AMM liquidity token etc.).
fn finalize_mint_to_private(amount: u128, partial_note: PartialUintNote) {
assert(, "caller is not minter");

_finalize_mint_to_private(amount, partial_note, &mut context, storage);

fn _finalize_mint_to_private_unsafe(
from: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,
partial_note: PartialUintNote,
) {
// We check the minter permissions as it was not done in `mint_to_private` function.
assert(, "caller is not minter");
_finalize_mint_to_private(amount, partial_note, &mut context, storage);

fn _finalize_mint_to_private(
amount: u128,
partial_note: PartialUintNote,
context: &mut PublicContext,
storage: Storage<&mut PublicContext>,
) {
// First we increase the total supply by the `amount`
let supply =;

// We verify that the partial note we're completing is valid (i.e. it uses the correct state variable's storage
// slot, and it is internally consistent). We *could* clear the storage since each partial note should only be
// used once, but since the AVM offers no gas refunds for doing so this would just make the transaction be more
// expensive.
assert(context.storage_read(partial_note.commitment()), "Invalid partial note");
partial_note.complete(amount, context);

fn _store_balances_set_partial_note(partial_note: PartialUintNote) {
// We store the partial note in a slot equal to its commitment. This is safe because the commitment is computed
// using a generator different from the one used to compute storage slots, so there can be no collisions.
// We could consider storing all pending partial notes in e.g. some array, but ultimately this is pointless: all
// we need to verify is that the note is valid.
context.storage_write(partial_note.commitment(), true);

/// Internal ///
/// TODO(#9180): Consider adding macro support for functions callable both as an entrypoint and as an internal
/// function.
fn _increase_public_balance(to: AztecAddress, amount: u128) {
_increase_public_balance_inner(to, amount, storage);

fn _increase_public_balance_inner(
to: AztecAddress,
amount: u128,
storage: Storage<&mut PublicContext>,
) {
let new_balance =;;

fn _reduce_total_supply(amount: u128) {
// Only to be called from burn.
let new_supply =;

/// Unconstrained ///
pub(crate) unconstrained fn balance_of_private(owner: AztecAddress) -> pub u128 {
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/token_contract/src/

Helper files


Remove the mod test; line from contracts/token/src/ as we will not be using TXE tests in this tutorial.

The Token contract also requires some helper files. You can view the files here (GitHub link). Copy the and the types folder into contracts/token/src.

Compile your contract

We'll now use aztec-nargo to compile.

Now run the following from your contract folder (containing Nargo.toml):

aztec-nargo compile

Deploy your contracts

Let's now write a script for deploying your contracts to the Sandbox. We'll create a Private eXecution Environment (PXE) client, and then use the ContractDeployer class to deploy our contracts, and store the deployment address to a local JSON file.

Create a new file src/deploy.mjs. We import the contract artifacts we have generated plus the dependencies we'll need, and then we can deploy the contracts by adding the following code to the src/deploy.mjs file.

// src/deploy.mjs
import { getInitialTestAccountsWallets } from '@aztec/accounts/testing';
import { Contract, createPXEClient, loadContractArtifact, waitForPXE } from '@aztec/aztec.js';
import TokenContractJson from "../contracts/token/target/token-Token.json" assert { type: "json" };
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';

const TokenContractArtifact = loadContractArtifact(TokenContractJson);

const { PXE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080' } = process.env;

async function main() {
const pxe = createPXEClient(PXE_URL);
await waitForPXE(pxe);

const [ownerWallet] = await getInitialTestAccountsWallets(pxe);
const ownerAddress = ownerWallet.getAddress();

const token = await Contract.deploy(ownerWallet, TokenContractArtifact, [ownerAddress, 'TokenName', 'TKN', 18])

console.log(`Token deployed at ${token.address.toString()}`);

const addresses = { token: token.address.toString() };
writeFileSync('addresses.json', JSON.stringify(addresses, null, 2));

main().catch((err) => {
console.error(`Error in deployment script: ${err}`);

Here, we are using the Contract class with the compiled artifact to send a new deployment transaction. The deployed method will block execution until the transaction is successfully mined, and return a receipt with the deployed contract address.

Note that the token's constructor() method expects an owner address to set as the contract admin. We are using the first account from the Sandbox for this.


If you are using the generated typescript classes, you can drop the generic ContractDeployer in favor of using the deploy method of the generated class, which will automatically load the artifact for you and type-check the constructor arguments. See the How to deploy a contract page for more info.

Run the snippet above as node src/deploy.mjs, and you should see the following output, along with a new addresses.json file in your project root:

Token deployed to 0x2950b0f290422ff86b8ee8b91af4417e1464ddfd9dda26de8af52dac9ea4f869

Next steps

Now that we have our contracts set up, it's time to actually start writing our application that will be interacting with them.