Partial Notes
Partial notes are a concept that allows users to commit to an encrypted value, and allows a counterparty to update that value without knowing the specific details of the encrypted value.
Use cases
Why is this useful?
Consider the case where a user wants to pay for a transaction fee, using a fee-payment contract and they want to do this privately. They can't be certain what the transaction fee will be because the state of the network will have progressed by the time the transaction is processed by the sequencer, and transaction fees are dynamic. So the user can commit to a value for the transaction fee, publicly post this commitment, the fee payer (aka paymaster) can update the public commitment, deducting the final cost of the transaction from the commitment and returning the unused value to the user.
So, in general, the user is:
- doing some computation in private
- encrypting/compressing that computation with a point
- passing that point as an argument to a public function
And the paymaster is:
- updating that point in public
- treating/emitting the result(s) as a note hash(es)
The idea of committing to a value and allowing a counterparty to update that value without knowing the specific details of the encrypted value is a powerful concept that can be used in many different applications. For example, this could be used for updating timestamp values in private, without revealing the exact timestamp, which could be useful for many defi applications.
To do this, we leverage the following properties of elliptic curve operations:
x_1 * G + x_2 * G
equals(x_1 + x_2) * G
andf(x) = x * G
being a one-way function.
Property 1 allows us to be continually adding to a point on elliptic curve and property 2 allows us to pass the point to a public realm without revealing anything about the point preimage.
Currently private swaps require 2 transactions. One to start the swap and another to claim the swapped token from the DEX. With partial notes, you can create a note with zero value for the received amount and have another party complete it later from a public function, with the final swapped amount. This reduces the number of transactions needed to swap privately.
Comparing to the flow above, the user is doing some private computation to stage the swap, encrypting the computation with a point and passing the point as an argument to a public function. Then another party is updating that point in public and emitting the result as a note hash for the user doing the swap.
A similar pattern can be used for a lending protocol. The user can deposit a certain amount of a token to the lending contract and create a partial note for the borrowed token that will be completed by another party. This reduces the number of required transactions from 2 to 1.
Private Refunds
Private transaction refunds from paymasters are the original inspiration for partial notes. Without partial notes, you have to claim your refund note. But the act of claiming itself needs gas! What if you overpaid fees on the refund tx? Then you have another 2nd order refund that you need to claim. This creates a never ending cycle! Partial notes allow paymasters to refund users without the user needing to claim the refund.
Before getting to partial notes let's recap what is the flow of standard notes.
Note lifecycle recap
The standard note flow is as follows:
- Create a note in your contract,
- compute the note hash,
- emit the note hash,
- emit the note (note hash preimage) as an encrypted note log,
- sequencer picks up the transaction, includes it in a block (note hash gets included in a note hash tree) and submits the block on-chain,
- nodes and PXEs following the network pick up the new block, update its internal state and if they have accounts attached they search for relevant encrypted note logs,
- if a users PXE finds a log it stores the note in its database,
- later on when we want to spend a note, a contract obtains it via oracle and stores a note hash read request within the function context (note hash read request contains a newly computed note hash),
- based on the note and a nullifier secret key a nullifier is computed and emitted,
- protocol circuits check that the note is a valid note by checking that the note hash read request corresponds to a real note in the note hash tree and that the new nullifier does not yet exist in the nullifier tree,
- if the conditions in point 10. are satisfied the nullifier is inserted into the nullifier tree and the note is at the end of its life.
Now let's do the same for partial notes.
Partial notes life cycle
- Create a partial/unfinished note in a private function of your contract --> partial here means that the values within the note are not yet considered finalized (e.g.
in aUintNote
), - compute a note hiding point of the partial note using a multi scalar multiplication on an elliptic curve. For
this would be done asG_amt * amount0 + G_npk * npk_m_hash + G_rnd * randomness + G_slot * slot
, where eachG_
is a generator point for a specific field in the note, - emit partial note log,
- pass the note hiding point to a public function,
- in a public function determine the value you want to add to the note (e.g. adding a value to an amount) and add it to the note hiding point (e.g.
NOTE_HIDING_POINT + G_amt * amount
), - get the note hash by finalizing the note hiding point (the note hash is the x coordinate of the point),
- emit the note hash,
- emit the value added to the note in public as an unencrypted log (PXE then matches it with encrypted partial note log emitted from private),
- from this point on the flow of partial notes is the same as for normal notes.
Private Fee Payment Example
Alice wants to use a fee-payment contract for fee abstraction, and wants to use private balances. That is, she wants to pay the FPC (fee-payment contract) some amount in an arbitrary token privately (e.g. a stablecoin), and have the FPC pay the transaction_fee
Alice also wants to get her refund privately in the same token (e.g. the stablecoin).
The trouble is that the FPC doesn't know if Alice is going to run public functions, in which case it doesn't know what refund is due until the end of public execution.
And we can't use the normal flow to create a transaction fee refund note for Alice, since that demands we have Alice's address in public.
So we define a new type of note with its compute_note_hiding_point
defined as:
Suppose Alice is willing to pay up to a set amount in stablecoins for her transaction. (Note, this amount gets passed into public so that when transaction_fee
is known the FPC can verify that it isn't losing money. Wallets are expected to choose common values here, e.g. powers of 10).
Then we can subtract the set amount from Alice's balance of private stablecoins, and create a point in private like:
We also need to create a point for the owner of the FPC (whom we call Bob) to receive the transaction fee, which will also need randomness.
So in the contract we compute .
We need to use different randomness for Bob's note here to avoid potential privacy leak (see description of setup_refund
Here, the s "partially encode" the notes that we are going to create for Alice and Bob. So we can use points as "Partial Notes".
We pass these points and the funded amount to public, and at the end of public execution, we compute tx fee point and refund point
Then, we arrive at the point that corresponds to the complete note by
Then we just emit P_a.x
and P_b.x
as a note hashes, and we're done!
Private Fee Payment Implementation
implements compute_note_hiding_point
, which takes a note and computes the point "hides" it.
This is implemented by applying the partial_note
// We derive the Serialize trait because in some cases notes are used as parameters to contract functions.
#[partial_note(quote {value})]
#[derive(Eq, Serialize)]
pub struct UintNote {
// The amount of tokens in the note
value: u128,
owner: AztecAddress,
// Randomness of the note to protect against note hash preimage attacks
randomness: Field,
Source code: noir-projects/aztec-nr/uint-note/src/
Those G_x
are generators that are generated here (at the bottom of the file). Anyone can use them for separating different fields in a "partial note".
We can see the complete implementation of creating and completing partial notes in an Aztec contract in the setup_refund
and complete_refund
fn fee_entrypoint_private(max_fee: u128, nonce: Field) {
let accepted_asset =;
let user = context.msg_sender();
let token = Token::at(accepted_asset);
// TODO(#10805): Here we should check that `max_fee` converted to fee juice is enough to cover the tx
// fee juice/mana/gas limit. Currently the fee juice/AA exchange rate is fixed 1:1.
// Pull the max fee from the user's balance of the accepted asset to the public balance of this contract.
token.transfer_to_public(user, context.this_address(), max_fee, nonce).call(&mut context);
// Prepare a partial note for the refund for the user.
let refund_slot = token.prepare_private_balance_increase(user, user).call(&mut context);
// Set a public teardown function in which the refund will be paid back to the user by finalizing the partial note.
._complete_refund(accepted_asset, refund_slot, max_fee)
.set_as_teardown(&mut context);
// Set the FPC as the fee payer of the tx.
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/fpc_contract/src/
The fee_entrypoint_private
function sets the complete_refund
function to be called at the end of the public function execution (set_public_teardown_function
This ensures that the refund partial note will be completed for the user.
fn _complete_refund(accepted_asset: AztecAddress, refund_slot: Field, max_fee: u128) {
let tx_fee = safe_cast_to_u128(context.transaction_fee());
// 1. Check that user funded the fee payer contract with at least the transaction fee.
// TODO(#10805): Nuke this check once we have a proper max_fee check in the fee_entrypoint_private.
assert(max_fee >= tx_fee, "max fee not enough to cover tx fee");
// 2. Compute the refund amount as the difference between funded amount and the tx fee.
// TODO(#10805): Introduce a real exchange rate
let refund_amount = max_fee - tx_fee;
Token::at(accepted_asset).finalize_transfer_to_private(refund_amount, refund_slot).call(
&mut context,
Source code: noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/fpc_contract/src/
Note discovery
Note discovery is detailed here. Partial notes are handled very similarly, where the partial note creator will add a tag to the beginning of the encrypted log, like a regular note, but the contract knows that it is a partial note and is missing a public component. The contract puts the unfinished note and the public log that will be emitted to complete the note into the PXE's database. When the public log is emitted, the recipient's PXE has all of the info about the note and the partial note is completed. This method of discovery allows partial notes to be started and completed in separate transactions.
Future work
This pattern of making public commitments to notes that can be modified by another party, privately, can be generalized to work with different kinds of applications. The Aztec labs team is working on adding libraries and tooling to make this easier to implement in your own contracts.