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Key Rotation

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It is possible for users to rotate their keys, which can be helpful if some of their keys are leaked.

Because of this, notes are associated with their nullifier key rather than any sort of 'owner' address.

It is still possible to nullify the notes with the old nullifier key even after the key rotation.

Things to consider

  • 'Owner' is arbitrary - as long as you know the nullifier secret, you can nullify a note
  • Consider how key rotation can affect account contracts, eg you can add additional security checks for who or how the key rotation is called


  • npk_m_hash: master nullifying public key hash
  • nsk_app: app nullifying secret key - the app-specific NSK (learn more about app-scoped keys here)
  • nsk_hash: nullifying secret key hash
  • ivpk_m: incoming view public key (master) (learn more about IVPKs here)